Beekeeping Club

Welcome to the FCA Home School at Endeavor beekeeping club. The beekeeping club is new for the 2022 – 23 school year and meets every Friday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. It is open to all FCA students that are in the 8th grade or higher.

What Students Will Learn

  • How to safely handle a beehive
  • Bee Anatomy
  • The Lifecycle of the honeybee
  • The importance of the honeybee in modern agriculture
  • Running an apiary
  • Beekeeping equipment
  • Beehive health inspections
  • Honeybee frame identification
  • How to extract honey from the honey frames
  • Label creation for honey jars
  • Honey bottling
  • Marketing and selling honey
  • Additionally, once every other week, we will do a short devotion on the “Bee”-attitudes.

Fall Semester 2022

For the Fall semester, club members will concentrate on how to prepare a beehive for winter, including ensuring the hive have enough honey storage as well as supplementing their food supply.

Spring Semester 2023

During the Spring semester, students will learn how to start a beehive and ensure it has proper conditions for bees to grow in population. Then in May, the beekeeping club will extract the honey from its hive, bottle it, then sell the bottled honey.

Other Beekeeping Club Activities

For those beekeeping club members that want to work with the bees, we will be going into the hives weekly to inspect the hive and evaluate their condition.

For beekeeping club members that would prefer not to actually handle the bees, there still is a lot to do from marketing the honey, designing and creating honey jar labels, publicizing the club, and creating social media posts for FCA at Endeavor Beekeeping Club’s Facebook page (

Working with bee wax is also something beekeeping club members have the opportunity to experience by making candles as well as lip balm.

Academic Credit

Students who participate in the FCA Beekeeping Club will receive a 1/2 credit per semester in Apiary Science.


There will be a nominal fee of $25.00 per student per semester to cover incidental expenses such as bee wax, candle molds, packages of bees, hive equipment, etc.

Additional Info

Please note that in order to participate in the FCA Beekeeping Club, a waiver of liability and hold harmless agreement must be completed before a student will be allowed to participate. You can download this agreement here: Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement

We hope to see you at the beekeeping club.

Be sure to like our Facebook page at FCA Beekeeping Club