Faith Covenant Academy (FCA), an in-person, faith-based homeschool has been serving families in the Southeast Huntsville area for over thirty years. Jerry and Anna Dyer started the school in the 1980s as a faith-based, in-person homeschool that is offered to students of all types. Over the years, times and locations have changed, but their vision has remained constant: students of all ages need a safe and supportive place to learn and thrive.
Students also need a Faith-based education so they can learn that they are loved beyond measure and they were born for a purpose. As a homeschool support group, FCA supports families through the homeschool process. The school offers in-person classes, one-on-one tutoring, and individualized plans for each student.
The backbone of FCA’s curriculum plan is Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E), a faith-based curriculum. However, because each student learns differently, the staff endeavors to adapt curriculum and learning plans to assist each student. Students will work independently but as they encounter a new concept they do not understand or a topic in which they need review, they are encouraged to seek assistance from one of the staff. We currently have approximately a 1 to 6 ratio for teacher/student.
The staff constantly is working with students on a one-on-one basis. Many students come to FCA unwilling to ask for help with their academics, but after seeing the supportive environment and the culture of support in the school, it is not long before even the most resistant student will ask for help. However, the teachers are also very aware of who has not come for help and will seek out the most reserved student to make certain they are on track.